This is great, you guys really got something here should you want to develop this idea more.
There is one issue I had with this game that really sapped the enjoyment for me at times. The problem of chain bouncing when you get whacked between several enemies. Especially on the final level, this really got out of control.
It completely steals the control from the player and takes away the enjoyment as all you can do is watch yourself die. I understand that you don’t want to get trapped between enemies, and there should be consequences for that, but it just happens too often. You might consider either reducing the bounce, or having a limited amount of times you can escape from it.
But aside from that little issue, this overall is a great little game! The art style is unique and the mechanics are simple and fun. I’ll be on the lookout for any other games you make.
P.S. Thanks for using my music at the end there, I’m glad you found it useful!